“Villa della Pace (ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ)” Contenporary Italian in Nanao, Ishikawa

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ



Although it is a dish with a gentle taste that makes full use of local ingredients, it has a sharp presence.

Head to Nakanoto in search of the hottest Italian restaurant in local gastronomy.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Ave. Budget: Lunch 15,000-20,000 JPY, Dinner 15,000-20,000 JPY / “Michelin Guide Ishikawa 2021” 1-star & green-star

Book via Pocket-Concierge




Restaurant features

The chef, who had spent eight years training at an Italian restaurant in Tokyo, felt that Noto was the place to find all kinds of meat, fish, and vegetables in connection with producers all over the country.

Realizing that thought, it opened in September 2016.

Furthermore, in 2020, it will be relocated and renewed as an auberge to “enjoy Noto to the fullest.”

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Personally, one of the biggest hits in the first half of 2021.

Not only in Japan, but also in Suzhou, China, the suburbs of Chiang Rai, Thailand, Bali, Indonesia, northern Vietnam, and Manila, the Philippines, the traditional food culture and ingredients of the local area are used with a contemporary sense.

There is, but it is a restaurant that is not inferior even if you line up in it.


(Added on May 20, 2021)

If I felt like I had discovered a treasure, I got 1 star and green star in the “Michelin Guide Hokuriku 2021” announced on May 19th.

You were already a member of the real shop.


Seaside house restaurant

Access is not good.

It’s a 17-minute walk from Kasashiho Station on the Noto Railway, so it’s not that you can’t go by public transportation, but it’s more convenient to have a car.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Go through the guest house building to the restaurant facing the seaside.

Nanao Bay, which can be seen from the window, is calm most of the day, and when the weather is fine, the mountain range beyond the bay can be reflected like a mirror.

I will concentrate on the table.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

The handmade Japanese paper menu on the table will inspire you.

Traditional paper making in the village at the entrance of Wajima.


“Soba Gaki”

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

It was a surprise from the beginning, but the dish before the amuse was soba noodles.

It may be an idea unique to Hokuriku to warm the stomach with something warm first.

We put it in the soup of “Noto 115”, which is a local log shiitake mushroom, and finish it with citrus oil such as hassaku.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Since I had to drive a car, my drinks were non-alcoholic and mainly tea.

First of all, “Queen of Blue” using Oriental beauty cultivated by biodynamic farming.


Amuse bouche

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Anchovies, halfbeak with ascetic garlic vinegar, sardine, clams, whale paste.


Red Squid, Nobil

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Red squid wrapped in celery root, squid ink potato salad, and wild radish flowers.

The menu is available all year round.


Oysters, wild vegetables

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

True oysters are said to have been raised in a clean water field with no subsoil water.

I had the impression that the taste of oysters was determined by the nutritional value of the subsoil water, but I was impressed by the deep flavor of the oysters, which slowly accumulated nutritional value without relying on that.

A soup made from Noto turkey.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

The second cup of tea is from Kagoshima, which recently surpassed Shizuoka in terms of production volume.

It seems that there are more variations.


Spaghetti, Warabi

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Spaghetti made with bracken collected from the back mountain by all the staff.

Ishiri and chives are added to balance it out, but it’s full of rustic flavor.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Bread from Noto’s popular shop “Tsuki to Pierrot”.

The bread in the foreground is baked from spelled wheat.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Oh, after all, looking at the oven dish after taking it out makes my appetite arouse.


Lasagna turkey

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Lasagna made with Noto turkey used in oyster soup.

It seems that almost all parts are used, such as the heart and liver, as a paste.



石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

As the title symbolizes, the 40 kinds of vegetables harvested at local Nakamoto Farm and Taka Farm are used in different recipes to create a salad.

Yuzu miso, peanut walnuts, and homemade persimmon vinegar are used as dressings, and cocoa, red wine, and potato powder are used as spices.


Fish soup

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

A fish soup inspired by the local cuisine of the port town of Livorno in Tuscany.

Black soy and abalone are used as ingredients, and the soup is made from a variety of fish.



石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

The main meat dish was also unexpectedly made of whale.

I heard that there is a master of Ikejime at the Noto fishing port, and sometimes whales are caught.

Served with seasonal asparagus and leaf wasabi tapnade.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

Kuromoji tea, which is starting to attract attention as a Japanese herb tea, is refreshing.

I think I can pick it up near me.


Fromage Blanc

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

The first dish of Dolce is fromage blanc.

It looks like a modern and urban style, and it uses local milk, so it depends on the creator.


Bonnet, strawberries

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

The second dolce dish is a chocolate cake “Bone”, a chocolate-flavored pudding from Piedmont in northern Italy.

With strawberries and herbs from the neighborhood.



石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ


After course drink

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

The coffee was delicious, but I also like the vessel.

It seems that almost everything, including cutlery, is made by a local artist, but it was a warm restaurant where you can feel that only a glass of water is special.

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ





【Dinner / Lunch】
“Stagione” 14,520 JPY

*Menus and prices are for reference only. Please note that this may change depending on the season and availability of ingredients.


How to Reserve

By phone or web. Web immediate reservations are accepted at Pocket Concierge.

Book via Pocket-Concierge


Map & Access

A 17-minute walk from Kasashiho Station on the Noto Railway.
About 20 minutes by car from downtown Nanao.


石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ



Shop Info: “Villa della Pace

Business Hours: Lunch 12:00-L.O. 13:00, Dinner 18:00-L.O. 20:00
Holiday: Irregular
Telephone: 00767-88-9017
Address: 26-1 otsu ha bu, Shiotsu, Nakashima-machi, Nanao-shi, Ishikawa
Official web Check the information on Tabelog



石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ





List of Michelin starred restaurants in Ishikawa Prefecture▽


List of Michelin green starred restaurants in Ishikawa Prefecture▽




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