“La Clochette (ラ・クロシェット)” Modern French in Hakui-shi, Ishikawa

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ


石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Ave. Budget: Lunch 7,000-10,000 JPY, Dinner 10,000-15,000 JPY / “Michelin Guide Ishikawa 2021” 1-star & green-star

Book via Table Check



Restaurant features

A house specializing in French and baked confectionery nestled in the countryside of Noto.

Visited this time for dinner.

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

First, wild grape non-alcoholic sparkling.


Amuse bouche

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

“Taco style with yellowfin tuna from Nanao”

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

“Jumpon Bercier” of Noto Pork” “Koshiabura Tart from Mikohara”



石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Ishikawa Prefecture mussels, marinated spring cabbage, Yogurt sauce and orange & Akamoku.


石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ



石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Hair crab from Ushitsu, Crustacean Jelly Jelly, Chilled with Nemuro sea urchin and green pea bavarois.



石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Wajima, turkey in front of the gate, Served in Chartreuse with Hakui bamboo shoots and turkey consommé.


Fish dishes

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Flounder from Nanao, Served with home-grown rape blossoms and firefly squid ravioli bouillabaisse sauce.



石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Mojito granite with homemade mint.


Main dish

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Purgaud Duck from Challans, France Bigarade with Ginger Flavor, Loire white asparagus.

The main meat dish is a selection, and you can also choose lamb (+¥1320) or Noto beef (+¥1100).


石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Naturally cultivated rice Hakui no Yume.



石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Red cheeks from Hakui, Rhubarb and Pistachio Opera, with pistachio ice cream.



石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ




※A dinner course can also be served at lunchtime with advance reservations up to 3 business days in advance.
“Lunch A” 3,300 JPY
“Lunch B” 4,500 JPY
“Lunch C” 5,500 JPY

“Dinner course” 5,500 JPY
“Dinner course” 8,000 JPY
“Gastronomy course” 11,000 JPY
“Gastronomy course” 16,000 JPY


*Menus and prices are for reference only. Please note that this may change depending on the season and availability of ingredients.


How to Reserve

By phone or web. Web immediate reservations are accepted at Table Check.

Book via Table Check


Map & Access

About 7 minutes by car from Hakui Station, about 40 minutes by car from Kanazawa


石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ



Shop Info: “La Clochette

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ

Business Hours: Lunch 11:30-L.O. 13:30, Dinner 18:30-L.O. 20:00
Holiday: Sun & Mon.
Telephone: 0767-23-4712
Address: Ho 79-1, Yanagida-cho, Hakui-shi, Ishikawa
Official web Check the information on Tabelog






List of Michelin starred restaurants in Ishikawa Prefecture▽


List of Michelin green starred restaurants in Ishikawa Prefecture▽



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