
  1. 栃木・宇都宮市『オトワ レストラン(Otowa restaurant)』フレンチ
    • TochigiUtsunomiya
    • FrenchWeb Reservation

    “Otowa restaurant” French in Utsunomiy…

    A renowned restaurant that conveys the authenticity of a French grand maison, down to its ambiance.It can be consider…

  2. 栃木・那須町『レストラン μ(ミュー)』フレンチ
    • TochigiNasu
    • FrenchContemporary

    “Restaurant μ”(Comtenporar…

    One of the few restaurants selected by "Gault&Millau" from Tochigi Prefecture.This restaurant is impressive with …

  3. 山形・村山市『ひつじや』ジンギスカン
    • Yamagata
    • Meat

    “Hitsujiya” Genghis Khan i…

    "Hitsujya" in Murayama City, Yamagata, the excellence of their natural wine selection slowly permeates the atmosphere…

  4. 【飛騨高山】ミシュラン掲載のおすすめレストラン全19選!
    • Takayama
    • Michelin GuideGault et MillauTown Guide

    [Hida Takayama] All 19 recommended res…

    Introducing recommended restaurants in Takayama City, including the top restaurants listed in the Michelin Guide Gifu…

  5. 【高山市】名物の中華そば・高山ラーメンのおすすめ6店
    • Takayama
    • Ramenmy best

    [Takayama Ramen] Top 6 Recommendations…

    Ramen, which is a gourmet food representative of Takayama along with Hida beef and Houba, is characterized by its ele…

  6. 【高山市】ステーキ派? 焼肉派? 飛騨牛を食べるならここ
    • Takayama
    • Steak-BBQYakinikumy best

    [Hida Beef] Steak? BBQ? 10 Recommended…

    The specialty cuisine of Hida Takayama is, first and foremost, Hida beef! It's one of Japan's leading brand beef with…

  7. 【岐阜】国道41号線沿い(飛騨~高山~下呂)のガッツリ飯のおすすめ5選
    • GeroTakayamaHida
    • MeatTeishokumy best

    [Hida-Takayama-Gero] 5 recommended ”Ga…

    The Route 41, also known as the Buri Kaido or Nobel Birth Road, is a national highway that connects Nagoya to Hida an…

  8. 七尾市『かき処 海』
    • IshikawaNanao
    • Town Guide

    [Ishikawa/Nanao City] 10 recommended g…

    "Foodies Town Guide" introduces famous shops in each area that you want to visit to the hottest shops (What is Foodie…

  9. 山梨・河口湖『toyoshima(トヨシマ)』コンテンポラリー・フレンチ
    • YamanashiKawaguchiko
    • FrenchContemporary

    “Toyoshima” Contemporary F…

    In the 2022 edition of the Michelin Guide, 'TOYOSHIMA' in Lake Kawaguchi, which has joined the ranks of restaurants r…

  10. 静岡・菊川市『西欧料理 サヴァカ(Cava.k.)』フレンチ
    • ShizuokaShimada-Kikukawa
    • FrenchModern

    “Western European Cuisine Cava.k.” Fre…

    Opened in 2002, at a time when terms like "local gastronomy" and "destination restaurant" didn't even exist, the chef…

    • MieTsu
    • KapppouLocal

    “Saku (朔)” Japanese cuisine in Tsu, Mi…

    In an environment surrounded by mountains, where creativity thrives, they offer innovative Japanese cuisine. While su…

  11. 岐阜・高山市『ネイバード(Neighbird)』焼き鳥・ワインバー
    • Takayama
    • Yakitori

    “Neighbird (ネイバード)” Yakito…

    A new restaurant that is attracting attention in Takayama for its high-quality natural wines is a yakitori (grilled c…

  12. 長野・白馬村『レストラン 雪峰(せっぽう)』創作料理
    • NaganoHakuba-Omachi
    • FrenchJapaneseFusion

    “Hakuba Village, Nagano@LAND STA…

    The main dining area of "LAND STATION HAKUBA," a collaboration between Snow Peak and architect Kengo Kuma, has been s…

  13. 長野・木曽『バーゼ(base)』イタリア料理/カフェ・パン
    • NaganoKiso
    • ItalianCafe

    “Base” Italian cuisine/Caf…

    An Italian restaurant nestled in a detached house on the outskirts of Kizofukushima in Kiso Village, Nagano. It's a h…

  14. 長野県・木曽町『時香忘(じこぼう)』蕎麦
    • NaganoKiso
    • Soba

    “Zcobo(時香忘)” Soba in Kiso, Nagano

    While this restaurant in the Nagano-Kiso area is renowned and popular, it's almost on the cusp of being considered a …

  15. 『ラ フェニーチェ(La Fenice)』
    • GifuTakayama
    • FrenchItalianWeb Reservation

    [Takayama] Top 6 European Cuisine Rest…

    For those who have tried Takayama Ramen, Hida beef, and local trad Houba Miso, and are now interested in trying eithe…

  16. 【下呂温泉】ミシュランに掲載されたレストランス全店一覧 [フーディーズ・タウンガイド]
    • GifuGero
    • Soba

    [Gero Onsen] 6 Recommended Gourmet Res…

    "Foodies Town Guide" introduces famous shops in each area that you want to visit to the hottest shops; (What is Foodi…

  17. 岐阜・高山市『飛騨季節料理 肴』郷土料理
    • Takayama
    • KaisekiLocal

    “HIda Season Cuisine SAKANA (肴)&…

    A Takayama-based restaurant that could be categorized as local cuisine, but its thorough local sourcing of ingredient…

  18. 岐阜・高山市『mukū(ムクー)』ビストロ/自然派ワインバー
    • Takayama
    • BistrotBarWeb Reservation

    “mukū(ムクー)” Bistrot/Natura…

    The restaurant in Takayama features nature-inspired cuisine without cream sauce and carefully selected natural wine, …

  19. 雨音ダイニング
    • Takayama
    • FrenchJapanese

    “Amane Dining (雨音ダイニング)” F…

    Wayo-shunsai, meaning that it is a dining experience that offers delicious and enjoyable dishes without being limited…

  20. 奈良・吉野『馬酔木(あしび)』焼肉
    • NaraYoshino
    • Yakiniku

    “Ashibi” Yakiniku (Barbecq…

    Why is there a yakiniku restaurant in such an unexpected location? And how is it possible that the food is so delicio…

  21. 三重・伊賀市『リス イタリア料理店(Ris.)』イタリアン
    • MieIga
    • Italian

    “Ris. Italian Restaurant (リス)” Italian…

    What truly catches the eye is the remarkable cost-performance ratio, coupled with the quality of dishes that you woul…

  22. 三重・伊賀市『伊賀食堂』ホルモン/焼肉定食
    • MieIga
    • YakinikuTeishoku

    “Iga Shokudo” Hormone/Yakiniku set mea…

    This restaurant offers a fantastic Hormone (organ meat) set meal cooked on the hotplate right in front of you, all fo…

  23. [Nagano-Ina/Takato] TOP 5 Recommended Soba Restaurants for Takato Soba and Gyoja Soba
    • Ina-Tatsuno
    • SobaTown Guidemy best

    [Nagano-Ina/Takato] TOP 5 Recommended …

    Ina City in Nagano, where soba is delicious, is an area that soba lovers cannot miss! In Ina City, which spreads thro…

  24. 石川・金沢『四知堂 kanazawa(スーチータン カナザワ)』台湾料理
    • IshikawaKanazawa
    • TaiwaneseWeb ReservationModern

    “Sizhitang kanazawa (四知堂)”…

    A "New Taiwanese Cuisine" restaurant, popular among Taipei's sophisticated diners, called "Sizhi Tang," has inspired …

  25. 静岡・静岡市『レストラン・カワサキ』フランス料理
    • ShizuokaShizuoka-shi
    • FrenchWeb Reservation

    “Restaurant KAWASAKI” French cuisine i…

    A French restaurant in Shizuoka, where the true essence of game dishes is presented by a chef who holds a hunting lic…

  26. 東京・丸の内『セザン(SEZANNE)/フォーシーズンズホテル丸の内』フランス料理
    • Marunouchi-Nihonbashi
    • FrenchWeb ReservationContemporary

    “SEZANNE ” French cuisine …

     Daniel Calvert, the most sought-after chef in Asia, who easily gave away his 4th place in Asia's 50 Best Restaurants…

  27. 石川・金沢『レ・トネル ぶどうの木(Les Tonnnelles)』フレンチ
    • IshikawaKanazawa
    • FrenchContemporary

    “Les Tonnnelles (レ・トネル ぶどうの木)…

    A restaurant with farm-to-table cuisine and paper tube architecture by Shigeru Ban.In a style that updates vegetable …

  28. 石川・金沢『レスピラシオン(respiracion)』コンテンポラリー・スパニッシュ
    • IshikawaKanazawa
    • SpanishE-CommerceContemporary

    “Respiracion (レスピラシオン)” Co…

    A restaurant born from childhood friends who were baptized in modern Spanish in Barcelona and reunited in their homet…

  29. 石川・金沢『ア・ラ・フェルム・ドゥ・シンジロウ(A la ferme de Shinjiro)』フレンチ農家レストラン
    • IshikawaKanazawa
    • FrenchWeb Reservation

    “A la ferme de Shinjiro (ア・ラ・フェル…

    A French restaurant on the second floor of a winery housed in a scenic Kanazawa townhouse.Based on an organic farm, w…