[Ishikawa (Kanazawa)] List of all 10 restaurants certified as Green Star in Michelin Ishikawa 2020



The Michelin Guide’s “Green Star” is awarded to restaurants that practice sustainable gastronomy.

Where is the restaurant certified to this standard in “Michelin Guide Ishikawa 2021”?

We will introduce all 10 nominated shops.


“Green Star,” a recognition given to restaurants pursuing sustainable food.

Until now, the most Green Stars were awarded in the “Michelin Guide Kyoto/Osaka 2021,” with 8 restaurants, but this time, Ishikawa prefecture in the “Michelin Hokuriku 2021” received the most with 10 restaurants. Of note, 5 restaurants were produced from the Noto Peninsula, which is worth mentioning.

It may be evidence that it is an area that makes it easy to pursue sustainable food, as many chefs who were attracted by the rich nature of the local ingredients and relocated, even though they were not born there.




Restaurants that have received Green Stars in Kanazawa City (4)

Contemporary Spanish “Respiracion (レスピラシオン)#2-star #online reservation

Fsu_button url=”https://pocket-concierge.jp/en/restaurants/244639?seat_date_eq=2023-04-01″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#85713b” color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”icon: external-link” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” rel=”nofollow”]Book via Pocket-Concierge[/su_button]  Book via Table Check





Shop Info: “Respiracion

Business Hours: Lunch start all at once 12:00-, Dinner 18:00- / 19:00-
Holiday: Mon
Telephone: 076-225-8681
Address: 67 bakuro-machi, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa, 920-0903
Official web






Contemporary French“Les Tonnnelles (レ・トネル ぶどうの木)#2-star

Ave. Budget: Lunch 10,000-15,000 JPY, Dinner 15,000-20,000 JPY

Book via Pocket-Concierge 


石川・金沢『レ・トネル ぶどうの木(Les Tonnnelles)』フレンチ

石川・金沢『レ・トネル ぶどうの木(Les Tonnnelles)』フレンチ



Shop Info: “Les Tonnnelles

Business Hours: Lunch 11:30-L.O. 12:30 Dinner 18:00-L.O. 19:30
Holiday: Wed
Telephone: 076-258-0204
Address: 50-1 ha, Iwade-cho, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa
Official web/su_button] Check the information on Tabelog






French “A la ferme de Shinjiro (ア・ラ・フェルム・ドゥ・シンジロウ)#Michelin-Plate #online reservation

Ave. Budget: Lunch 7,000-8,000 JPY, Dinner 15,000-20,000 JPY

Book via Ikkyu Restaurant


石川・金沢『ア・ラ・フェルム・ドゥ・シンジロウ(A la ferme de Shinjiro)』フレンチ農家レストラン

石川・金沢『ア・ラ・フェルム・ドゥ・シンジロウ(A la ferme de Shinjiro)』フレンチ農家レストラン




Shop Info: “A la ferme de Shinjiro

Business Hours: Lunch 11:30-13:30, Dinner 18:00-20:30
Holiday: Wed
Telephone: 076-221-8818
Address: 1-9-9, Owari-cho, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa
Official web






Japanese “Zeniya (銭屋)#2-star #online reservation

Ave. Budget: Lunch 20,000-30,000 JPY, Dinner 20,000-30,000 JPY

Book via Pocket-Concierge




Shop Info: “Zeniya

Business Hours: Lunch 12:00-14:00, Dinner 17:30-22:00
Holiday: Irregular
Telephone: 076-233-3331
Address:2-29-7, Kata-machi, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa
Official web




A restaurant that has received a Green Star in Komatsu (1)

Innovative “SHÓKUDŌ Yarn (ショクドウ ヤーン)#1-star #online reservation

Ave. Budget: Lunch 10,000-15,000 JPY, Dinner 15,000-20,000 JPY

Book via Table Check


Shop Info: “SHÓKUDŌ Yarn

Business Hours: Lunch 12:00-15:00(L.O.12:30), Dinner 18:00~ L.O. 19:30
Holiday: Sun, Lunch on Mon & Tue.
Telephone: 0761-58-1058
Address: 4-14, Shinmei-machi, Takayama-shi
Official web Check the information on Tabelog






A restaurant that has received a Green Star in Hakui (1)

French “La Clochette (ラ・クロシェット)#1-star #online reservation

Ave. Budget: Lunch 7,000-10,000 JPY, Dinner 10,000-15,000 JPY

Book via Table Check


羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(LA CLOCHETTE)』フレンチ

石川・羽咋『ラ・クロシェット(la clochette)』フレンチ



Shop Info: “La Clochette

Business Hours: Lunch 11:30-L.O. 13:30, Dinner 18:30-L.O. 20:00
Holiday: Sun & Mon.
Telephone: 0767-23-4712
Address: Ho 79-1, Yanagida-cho, Hakui-shi, Ishikawa

Official web Check the information on Tabelog






Restaurants that have received Green Stars in Nanao (3)

Contenporary Italian “Villa della Pace (ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ)” #2-star #online reservation

Ave. Budget: Lunch 15,000-20,000 JPY, Dinner 15,000-20,000 JPY

Book via Pocket-Concierge


石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ

石川・七尾『ヴィラ・デラ・パーチェ(Villa della Pace)』イタリアン・オーベルジュ



Shop Info: “Villa della Pace

Business Hours: Lunch 12:00-L.O. 13:00, Dinner 18:00-L.O. 20:00
Holiday: Irregular
Telephone: 00767-88-9017
Address: 26-1 otsu ha bu, Shiotsu, Nakashima-machi, Nanao-shi, Ishikawa
Official web Check the information on Tabelog






Japanese “Ipponsugi Kawashima (一本杉 川嶋)#1-star #online reservation

Ave. Budget: Lunch 10,000-15,000 JPY, Dinner 20,000-30,000 JPY

Book via Pocket-Concierge


Shop Info: “Ipponsugi Kawashima

Business Hours: Lunch 12:00-14:30, Dinner 18:30-22:00
Holiday: Irregular
Telephone: 0767-58-3251
Address: 2-1, Ipponsugi-cho, Nanao-shi, Ishikawa
Official web Check the information on Tabelog




Restaurants that has received a Green Star in Wajima (2)

Modern French “L’Atelier de NOTO (ラトリエ・ドゥ・ノト)#1-star #online reservation

Ave. Budget: Lunch 6,000-8,000 JPY, Dinner 20,000-30,000 JPY

Book via Hitosara
※Please search for “L’Atelier de NOTO” from the link


輪島『ラトリエ・ドゥ・ノト(restaurant L'Atelier de NOTO)』フレンチ



Shop Info: “L’Atelier de NOTO

Business Hours: Lunch 11:30-L.O. 13:00, Dinner 18:00-L.O. 20:00
Holiday: Irregular
Telephone: 0768-23-4488
Address: 4-142, Kawai-cho, Wajima-shi, Ishikawa
Official web Check the information on Tabelog






Japanese “Tominari (富成)” #1-star

Ave. Budget: Lunch 10,000-15,000 JPY, Dinner 15,000-20,000 JPY

Check the information on Tabelog


Shop Info: “Tominari

Business Hours: Lunch 11:30-14:00, Dinner 17:00-22:00
Holiday: Tue
Telephone: 0768-32-0402
Address: 26-18, Hiroe, Nomachi, Wajima-shi
Ofiicial web






Click here for restaurants listed in Green Star in other prefectures in Hokuriku ▽


Articles related to Michelin in Ishikawa Prefecture▽



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